Instructional Technology
Technology Department
The overall mission for the Agua Dulce ISD Technology Department is to provide ADISD with automated, cost effective systems and resources and to support the use of technology as a tool to achieve educational and operational goals on a daily basis. Technology staff will continuously strive to provide solutions that streamline operations and improve the learning environment. Our vision is to enable our leaders, educators and learners with the skills and tools through best-practices and instructional strategies to become productive digital citizens.
Internet Safety Policy for Agua Dulce ISD (CIPA)
Technology Laws and Regulations
Here are some links to spice up your lessons with technology:
Promethean Planet: Interactive Panel Resources
Interactive Panel - Classroom Games
EducationWorld-Virtual Field Trips
Microsoft : Teacher's Resources
If you need help, e-mail me: Also, let me know if you have any great lessons to add to the list.
MY Links
For remote help click here please.